Intuitively supporting you, emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually
What is Tarot?
Tarot is the storybook of our life, the mirror to our soul, and the key to our inner wisdom. Every spiritual lesson we meet in our lives can be found in the seventy-eight Tarot cards. And when we consult the Tarot, we'll get shown the exact lessons we need to learn and master to live an inspired life.
What is Divination?
Divination is a form of energetic communication. It is a wonderful tool to help us connect with our guides and intuition. The ancient practice of seeking knowledge, guidance, messages, and inspiration from the spirit or higher consciousness, can be accomplished using divination tools and crafts such as palm readings, tarot, and dowsing (pendulum).
What is Dowsing?
Dowsing with a pendulum digs deeps into our spiritual aura to reveal our intentional path and purpose. Whether with a beautiful crystal pendulum or some other homemade design, you can learn how to access divine messages and to trust the answers they carry.

I have always loved watching my weekly/monthly Tarot readings on YouTube, it was something that formed part of my life. However, I never had any inclination that I wanted to do this for myself, and in all honesty, I thought it was for specific people not for someone like me. How wrong was I?! As part of delving deeper into my spiritual growth, I suddenly had this ‘ah ha’ moment and realisation that I could do Tarot. This was far removed from the feelings I had before.
I decided to look into buying some cards, however the ones I wanted to purchase were out of stock. Therefore, I was led to buy my first set of (Self Care) Oracle cards that I felt resonated with me, and are still my go to eveyday.
As I was enjoying using my new Oracle cards I had forgotten about pursuing learning Tarot. Until one day a lady that had just moved to the area, was promoting her online Tarot course on a local like minded Facebook group. I replied expressing my interest in the course and the fact she was local it felt like divine timing. I purchased the course, which opened me up to another world of amazement within the Tarot world. The most fulfilling part about following my intuition to do the course is that Yvonne has become a great mentor and lifelong friend which is priceless. I would highly recommend doing her comprehensive Tarot course if you are interested. It has certainly changed my life and helped me make the right choices that are for my highest good.
Tarot has been a great teacher in my life and has allowed me to connect and open up more to my intuition, and acquiring this insightful divination tool has helped guide me on the right path as well as encompassing the pendulum within my client’s energy healing sessions.
I am still on the path of going deeper with Tarot and understanding how the symbolism and archetypes dovetail with astrology, and the foresight of having knowledge of both, let alone independently is boundless.
30 minute pre-recorded
tarot reading
30 minute Tarot reading
via Zoom
45 minute Tarot reading
via Zoom
60 minute In person Tarot reading
60 minute Tarot reading Via Zoom
Tarot Reading Offerings
All sessions will be recorded and available
If you wish to have a reading please contact me via email at saira@myhighpriestess.co.uk or via the form on the contact page
Ask the Tarot anything - Gain some clarity - Am I on the right path - Guidance on what you need to focus on - Career guidance