Doula Packages
Supporting the divine feminine with birthing the new human in a gentle and loving way

There is now a body of evidence around the benefits of working with a doula during pregnancy, birth and postnatally.
Being supported by Doula can mean
Consistency of care
Decrease in the length of labor
Lower rates of cesarean
Lower rates of medical intervention
Improved rates of breastfeeding
Decreased postpartum depression
Greater maternal satisfaction
Better mother-infant interaction
Queen of cups package
• Homemade Welcome Gift provided
• 2x private antenatal sessions: 1 in person, 1 via zoom. ( 90 mins ):
- Preparation for the birth
- Discuss birth plan, Birth rights, physiology of the body, postnatal support and more
• On call from 38 weeks through to birth
•Labour birth support - Emotional, Physical, Mental, & Spiritual
• 24/7 available contact via phone, text or email from 38 weeks
• 2 -week 24/7 postnatal support via text, phone or email
• 1x postnatal in person visit for debriefing
• Signposted Nutritional support
- High vibrational foods that aid with recovery
• Heal-Thy Recipes Provided
Once booked 50% of the fee is required within 48 hours. As soon as payment is received you will be blocked out and confirmed with a follow-up email. The rest of the payment is required before the on call period starts

The Empress Package
• Homemade Care package provided
(Can be tailored for you)
• 2x in person antenatal sessions (1.5-2 hours)
- Preparation for the birth
- Discuss the birth plan, your rights, the physiology of the body, postnatal, support and more.
• On call from 38 weeks through to birth
• Labour birth support - Emotional, Physical, Mental, & Spiritual
• Crystal grid set up around your sacred birthing space to contain high
vibrational energies and protect against lower energies.
(Crystals cleared/cleansed with sage and intentions set)
• 2-week 24/7 postnatal support via text, phone or email
• 2x postnatal in person visit for debriefing, signposted nutritional support & recipes
with 1 visit being for energy healing focusing on the womb
(Crystals included to aid the healing session)
• 1 Heal-thy meal provided on the first visit to aid recovery
(Plant based)
Once booked 50% of the fee is required within 48 hours. As soon as payment is received you will be blocked out and confirmed with a follow-up email. The rest of the payment is required before the on-call period starts (Package can be made bespoke)
The High Priestess Package
• Homemade care package
(Can be tailored to your needs)
•3x Antenatal sessions
- 2x in person sessions: 1.5-2 hours
- Preparation for the birth
- Discuss the birth plan, your rights, the physiology of the body, postnatal support and more
- 1x 90 min appointment via zoom providing a tarot reading and a distant Energy healing session
•Ask the tarot anything:
We can feel into the energies that are up and coming and how you can utilise these energies and make decisions for your highest good and best interest.
• Clear your chakras of any blockages to aid your life force (Chi) to flow through you to aid the body to heal with ease and grace
There is no need for this session to be in person as we are multi-dimensional beings and we are all connected through the quantum field. This session will just be as powerful as in person
• On call from 38 weeks through to birth
• Labour birth support - Emotional, Physical, Mental, & Spiritual
• Crystal grid set up around your sacred birthing space to contain high
vibrational energies and protect against lower energies.
(Crystals cleared/cleansed with sage and intentions set)
• 3-week 24/7 postnatal support via text, phone or email
• 3x postnatal appointments
-2x in person for debriefing, holding space and signposting to nutritional support.
• Homemade Heart chakra opening tea remedy that will aid the bonding with your newborn and increase oxytocin which supports breastfeeding and recovery
• Tea set with intention and used with purified distilled water
(Tuned to the love frequency of 528hz.)
• 1x postnatal visit
- Reiki energy healing, focusing on the womb. Crystals included
to aid with the healing session and Tarot reading provided after the energy session.
• 2x Heal-thy meals provided on first 2 visits to aid recovery (Plant based)
• Heal-thy Recipes provided (High vibrational foods that will aid in quicker recovery)
• Signpost to nutritional support provided (If desired)
- High vibrational foods that aid with recovery. (Plant based)
• Departing gift ending our journey together
- Further divination support by using the Pendulum
- Ask a specific closed question to get a clear yes or no to help guide you on your new journey.
Once booked 50% of the fee is required within 48 hours. As soon as payment is received you will be blocked out and confirmed with a follow-up email. The rest of the payment is required before the on-call period starts (Package can be made bespoke)

The Lovers Package
Birth & Postnatal Support
• 40 hours of postnatal support
(Postnatal plan will be discussed prior to this period starting)
• Holistic Offering/support
• Emotional, Mental, and Practical support
• Debriefing of your Birth
• Holding space so you feel seen and heard
• First week Food prep and supporting you with heal-thy recipes if desired
• Homemade Heart chakra opening tea remedy that will aid the bonding with your newborn and increase oxytocin which supports breastfeeding and recovery
•Tea set with intention and used with purified distilled water and tuned to
the love frequency of 528hz
• Looking after siblings while you tend to your newborn
• Light housework
• Looking after the baby while you have some needed rest
• Organising and doing food shopping if required
• Signposting information you require
If you desire any additional services ie: Energy healing, Tarot reading, or Heal-thy foods please reach out. Please note there will be an additional cost, however, if you would like to use one of your hours for Reiki or Tarot there will be a reduced price. (Package can be made bespoke)
Once booked 50% of the fee is required within 48 hours. As soon as payment is received you will be blocked out and confirmed with a follow-up email. The rest of the payment is required before the on-call period starts
This package includes all the benefits of the My High Priestess package + Postnatal support
Queen of Pentacles
Postnatal Support
• Blocked bookings of 15 hours receive a 10% reduction
• Minimum 7 hours booked
• Holistic Offering/support
• Emotional, Mental, and Practical support
• Debrief of your Birth
• Holding space so you feel seen and heard
• First week Food prep and supporting you with heal-thy recipes if desired
• Homemade Heart chakra opening tea remedy that will aid the bonding with your newborn and increase oxytocin which supports breastfeeding and recovery
• Tea set with intention and used with purified distilled water and tuned
to the love frequency of 528hz
• Looking after siblings while you tend to your newborn
• Light housework
• Looking after the baby while you have some needed rest
• Organising and doing food shopping if required
• Signposting information you require
If you desire any other of my other services ie: Energy healing, Tarot reading, or Heal-thy food please reach out Please note there will be an additional cost, however, if you would like to use one of your hours for Reiki or Tarot there will be a reduced price.