What is the microbiome?

It Is a living bacteria in and on your body forming trillions of different types of pathogenic bacteria and microbes that form into many different types of species. Your gut is a living organism and runs like an ecosystem of its own. 60% of your gut microbiome is set by the age of 3 and the rest can be influenced through food, exercise, and your environment.

This is the most important topic that I feel needs to be discussed at the outset and when you find out you're pregnant. A 101 course on the microbiome should be clearly available as part of the next steps to allow mothers to understand how they can help with providing the best health starter kit for their baby, starting first with themselves by looking after their own microbiome.

There are many studies showing the importance of the microbiome, and there are clear differences that have been found between having a Vaginal birth vs a C-Sections, including the impacts of having antibiotics. The study can be found here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1560-1#citeas


What is the microbiome? Part 2 | C-section